Monday, November 28, 2011

As Long as I'm laughing with you

The theme this week at is Bust A Gut

This was the first full wedding I ever shot at (second shot with a friend) and I couldn't get enough candids of this bride and groom. They were absolutely adorable and you could just see the love that they shared.

While photographing other subjects the bride was dancing to her carefully selected (and totally awesome) playlist and the groom laughed at her, which made her laugh in return. I snagged this shot and adore it!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Kyle David Payne

At 4:20 AM, my baby boy will be 1 year old.

I've always meant to sit down and write my children letters, my account of their lives, from day one. But like all too many things, I always put it off.

Today, I'm not putting it off.

Approximately ten days after our wedding, I started having pregnancy symptoms. Most people wouldn't notice these things, but with it being my second pregnancy, I did. And, I'm the nerd that read and researched pregnancy as much as I could; I absolutely love it.

My symptoms were bleeding gums, fatigue, and an increased sense of smell..
And then, I craved coffee. And I hate coffee.
That same day, when I got home from work, Hallie came up and rubbed, and then laid her head on my belly. And that is when I knew.

There was a pregnancy test in the bathroom closet, leftover from a friend that had lived there before, so I took it, on a whim.

I didn't have the best timing.. Nathan had ran to the store to get a few things for breakfast, and up until this point we hadn't even suspected a pregnancy. So, when we walked in the door, and I pulled the digital blue test out of my pocket.. he was surprised to say the least. And then, he went back to buy another test, just to be sure.. hahaha.

This day was so different than the first time we became pregnant. It was less scary, more happy. We were finally independent this time, getting ready to make the move to our first duty station. We were married, and we knew we would face less hardships.

We moved, without telling anyone our news, because we had already sprung a marriage and a 1000 mile cross country move on them. And then, we kept it to ourselves until we had gotten our first ultrasound.. which took a few weeks because of the way the army goes.

My pregnancy was amazing. I had no real sickness or problems. I was tired, but that was the worst side effect.

I didn't show quickly.. I gained less than twenty pounds, and kept myself and Mr. Kyle healthy.

me at 7 months

At the time, I didn't know what I was having. I chose to not find out. It wasn't easy, and my husband didn't make it easier. He knew, and he liked to be a brat lol. He would leave the revealing ultrasound picture out, neatly folded, just trying to tempt me into finding out. Surprisingly, he didn't slip up.

Hallie was a good big sister from day one. She loved to lay on, poke, and kiss her 'bubba'.. yes, she called him Bubba before we had ever seen a doctor. I'm telling you, kids' instincts are amazing.

this is Hallie and I, about 5 days before labor

My pregnancy flew by, and before I knew it, I was in labor. Actually, I was in pre-labor. For the better part of November 16th. Knowing this would be our last day as a family of three, we spent it with Hallie, at the park. Walking there helped my contractions progress, and I will always cherish that time with my then, only child.

Finally, at around 9PM, Nathan forced me to head to the hospital. I was more concerned with cleaning the house, because I wanted everything to be perfect.. But he eventually made me go.

Hallie stayed back with Abi, Jessie, and Arabella, and she had so much fun, even though she missed us very much.
Hallie and Arabella lol

I had heard many not-so-great things about the hospital, but my experience was pretty good. I did spend some time waiting for a room, which was okay with me. When I finally got into a room, it was really late. They let me roam the hallways, and use a birthing ball. I planned on using the jet tub, but ended up not. 

Nathan thought it was fun to take pictures of me on the birthing ball, trying to breath through the contractions

At this point, my water had been broken, I was dilated 6cm, and the contractions were getting stronger. Apparently there was a shortage of epidural pumps, and the nice nurse hid one for me, when another department tried to take it. So, I decided to get that process started when things got more intense. After a bag of fluids, and what seemed like an eternity, and a game of 20 questions, I was able to get an epidural. Sadly, it kicked in long enough for us both to doze off for a few minutes, and then I awoke to pressure. 

I remember waking up, not even realizing I had fallen asleep, and wondering if I should call the nurse. I didn't want to wake Nathan if it was nothing.. After a few minutes, I knew I had to call the nurse, and quickly. The same thing happened with Hallie, and they waited too long, and ended up running equipment down the hallway. Actually, Dr. Voegtle was suiting up as I was pushing her out. So, I called the nurse without waking Nathan. It took her only a couple of seconds to realize that our baby was well on his way. 

The midwife came in immediately, and helped me get into position to push. I loved having a midwife, because he let me do my own thing. There was no counting, no telling me when or how to push. I remember being told that I was the one that knew my body, and to do what my body told me to.

Literally three pushes later, we were parents again. Sleepy, confused parents. I still didn't know the gender of the child I had just pushed out, and Midwife Johnson wouldn't tell me. He laid Kyle on my chest and I literally had to see for myself. It was wonderful, and I remember having to look twice to be sure. 

It happened so fast, it was hard to grasp. Nathan actually became ill, and had to steal the nurses from me ;). 

It was completely different than Hallie's birth, for which the waiting room was filled with our families, and my mother accompanied Nathan and I in the delivery room. It was nice though, I enjoyed the intimacy. 

It didn't take long for the nurses to wrap my big baby boy  up, and hand him to me for our first bit of bonding time. I loved being left to ourselves, and not rushed. 

Kyle ended up weighing 8pounds, 10ounces, and was 21.5 inches long. 

He was a stinker from the beginning, refusing to wake up or eat for about 24 hours. It was the scariest day of my life, and I remember feeling like a failure. I breastfed, and Hallie had no problem eating from the very beginning. Come to find out, a lot of babies do this, and my tears and frustration were unneccessary. Once Kyle began eating, we started a nursing relationship that lasted 11.5 months. I absolutely loved that bonding time with my son. 

Hours old, and feeling great!

Anxious to get home, we left the hospital after 30 hours. I walked out in my pre-pregnancy jeans, and I felt like a champ! Hallie was so excited to meet her baby brother, and to have us home again. 

As soon as we sat down, Hallie joined us and grabbed my arm. Sweetest moment ever. 

Kyle had his first visitors a few days later, when my parents made the trip to see us. 

It didn't take long for Kyle to start growing up. At two weeks, he was 10pounds, 1ounce. And the shennanigans began shortly after. 

Kyle kept up with his growing, and they both kept up with the bonding. Kyle was into six month clothes at two months. The thumbsucking began quickly, and stuck. 

Kyle is now 28 pounds, and very tall (Hallie's height, I'll have to check tomorrow for a measurement). He and Hallie still play so well together, and still find trouble together. 

I am so blessed to have such a happy, healthy son. He is growing and learning everyday. 

6 months

9 months

12 months

Happy birthday Baby Kyle. Mommy and Daddy love you so much.