Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Catch up!

I stink at blogging everyday.

But, I'm not upset about that. It has been a week.. or two.. or three.. since I posted. I honestly do not know, and that means that time is flying by! In fact, we are almost 20% done.. Almost. When I think of it that way, I know I can do that little segment four more times. I could do it 100 more times, as long as I get my husband back in the end.

I have nothing profound to write about tonight, so I'll just give some updates.

Kyle has started eating baby food! He started with prunes - loved them - yet I didn't love the results lol. Not to be graphic, but this kid always has some pretty icky diapers.. And let's just say the prunes didn't make them any better. I have never seen a diaper so full lol.
After prunes, we tried peas. NO GO. Then we tried squash - NO GO. Tonight, we tried green beans - WIN! And now, he is sleeping in his big boy crib for the first time :).
He is getting so big and mature, everyday I am more impressed by him.
His newest accomplishment is being able to reach for and grab things. Like, really reach. At the beach, he went belly to the ground to pick up a bag of potato chips. He got them, and was content for the rest of the trip just holding and crinkling that bag. He has also started his fascination with electronics. He now loves to take my phone from my hands (his motor skills are impressive!) and try to type on the computer. He also laughed at Hallie today, when he saw she was in his jumperoo. I'd like to think he knows this was a funny thing, but I know that probably isn't the case.

So, Hallie loves getting in the jumperoo. In fact, she loves doing anything Kyle does, right down to laying on the floor and playing with her feet. At the same time, she is turning into less of a toddler each day.
She loves to dress herself, and no outfit is complete without her boots. She still helps out with her bubby a ton, always wiping his spit up, helping change his diapers, and entertaining him. Her new favorite activity is pushing his stroller, and for the last week that has been his favorite seat in the house. In fact, her idea is down right GENIUS! He loves his umbrella stroller, and is perfectly content sitting in it and being wheeled from room to room to watch me clean. They make a pretty cute duo! I even let her walk him outside so we could tape for Daddy. It wasn't as easy with the bumpy ride, but things did get funny when she heard a car and made a run for it. As much as she loves him, she knew that she needed to be out of the road, and she left him lol. Good thing the speed limit is now 10 when passing pedestrians :).
Hallie has also learned to blow bubbles on her own, and her newest obsession is Juicy Juice boxes. She now opens the fridge to get them.. the only thing we need to work on is ASKING for me to open them. She still seems to think she can get things by screaming, but we're making progress.

So, now you have an update on the kids.. Wanna hear all of their shenannigans?

1: We go to our appointment the other day (it is literally .5 miles away) and by the time we get there and I start to get him out of his carseat, he has had a blowout. His worst yet. Poop up to his neck, and all over his new outfit. This is the ONE time I didn't grab an extra for the diaper bag.. well, because we were only two minutes from our house, and the last thing I did before I put him in his seat was put a fresh diaper on him. I was so embarrassed, and at a total loss. His carseat was obviously out of commission, and I had to finish up our appointment with a naked baby, AND a cranky toddler having tantrums. Thankfully, the women understood (I think) and we made it out okay. It doesn't seem like such a big deal now, but it definitely had me at my wits end that day..

2: As I said, Kyle is now fascinated with my phone. He is also fascinated with chewing on things. EVERYTHING. So, if you call me, and I can't hear you very well... put 2 and 2 together :) Hello baby-drool-water-damage!

1: Craisins... We bought Nathan craisins for his care package. As soon as Hallie found them in the grocery bag she forced me to open them (she can be pretty persuasive..). This is the same night Kyle was eating his first baby food, and I was taping it for Nathan... Because I have five hands, ya know? Well, in those five minutes, she dumped out the craisins EVERYWHERE. That seems to be her new thing - dumping stuff out. In fact, there is still a bags worth of Teddy Grahams in the baby swing - ew. *Note to self, clean swing!! The funny part of this story happened a few days later. I see Hallie put on her boot, and I hear an ew (her favorite word this month). I then see her take off the boot and turn it over (such a smart babygirl!). Approximately 40 craisins come out. But, it doesn't end there. She has to pick one up and eat it... or attempt to. It apparently tasted like feet, because she spit it out and gagged. Not laughing? I guess you just had to be there.

2: Hot dogs... I grilled on Sunday. I didn't burn the place down, or injure anyone :). But Melissa and her ducklings came over since we were missing the guys grilling for us (my grilling involved a lot less alcohol, and just wasn't the same). Well, I grilled hot dogs for the kids.. and at some point, Hallie got ahold of the package of raw hot dogs, and thought it would be a good idea to hit CJ over the head with them.
I still laugh when I picture Hallie whacking someone with a hot dog. lol

3: Today Hallie removed her skirt, and was running around outside in a tank top, diaper and boots. Toooooo cute, but we did get some funny looks from the neighbors. Whatever makes her happy, right?

Those are some of the funnier moments of our last few weeks. I hope you enjoy laughing at my expense. There is never a dull moment with this two, and they really do keep me going <3

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