Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The light at the end of the tunnel

I was finally able to get some relief today...
It has been 5.5 days since I last heard from Nathan, but I feel immensely better; Funny how seeing one familiar face online can allow me to take full breaths again. It also helps that I've decided the cut out the stressors from my life.. There are some things and some people I just don't need to worry about.
So, instead of going through the motions today, I got a bunch done. Although the everyday cleaning already needs to be done again, I have finally conquered all of the laundry from our trip to Missouri (horrible, I know.. but we also packed our whole wardrobes lol and I had to wash it all). I finally cleaned and organized Hallie's room, and now have a very large pile of things to get rid of! It is almost starting to look like the kids share a room rather than being a pink princess room with one boys crib.
Most importantly. I set up childcare for tomorrow. FIVE hours to myself.. If I don't pick them up early because I don't know what to do with myself. I have a lot planned, first throwing out my old clothes so I can hang all of the new ones, preparing care packages, then zumba, coffee day, grocery shopping without racing the clock to naptime, and maybe even picking up a couple of Karen Kingsbury books.. Oh how I miss her :)

I'm already feeling great about tomorrow, and it hasn't even started. So I'll end here, and save my rant on how facebook and friendships later. After all of the complaining last night about never being able to catch up, I can finally see the finish line.


  1. Love Karen Kingsbury...what are you reading by her?

  2. Nothing right now. In highschool I had read nearly every book of hers and was working on the Redemption Series... got all the way to Sunrise and was waiting for the next book. And then I had two kids and stopped reading
