Sunday, June 12, 2011

Not Me

I feel like I have gotten into this mindset lately that nothing bad can happen to me. Well, not just me, but people I know. Almost like there is some protective shield because I say so.

And I was reminded today, that there isn't.

So I'm going to stop living with that attitude.

I'm going to stop making mistakes in hope that I can fix them tomorrow.
I'm going to stop picking fights that I wouldn't want to live with if some tragedy did happen (God forbid).
I'm going to stop putting things off, and make sure I accomplish the things I want to leave behind.
I'm going to try my best to stop dwelling on the past, and worrying about the things I don't have control over.
I will try to quit over-analyzing what might have been, and appreciate what I now have.
I will choose my words more carefully, as to not upset the ones I love. Or the ones I don't.
I will make the best of everyday, and pray for the best everyday.

I will tell my husband and my children I love them and remind them of how much they mean to me, at least once a day.
I will continue to honor my vows, and grow in our love each and everyday.
I will do everything I can to remind my husband of the love he has waiting for him back home, and I will strive to make these coming months as easy and bearable as I can.

I promise I won't live in fear of what can happen, but I will live knowing that things can.
I promise I will stop living with the false security of 'not me' and start praying for God's grace, and trusting in His plan.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you all. If you ever need a long distance "vent" let me know. May God continue to give you the strength you and Nathan both need to carry through and to protect you all.
