I'm not sure exactly; I just DO.
Now that things are finally settling down, I am able to sit here and think about the last few weeks, and once again, I am completely surprised by and proud of myself.
One of the things I heard the most before Nathan left was this: Everything that can go wrong, will.
^ True statement right there.
In all honesty, the last week has tested my patience, my endurance, and my sanity. Looking back now, it is the closest to Hell I have ever been.
As you probably know, we've all been sick, and we had a meningitis scare last night. As a mother, I have never been as scared as I was yesterday. The thought of my daughter convulsing and sobbing the way she was, paired with the stiff neck still gets my heart racing. Thankfully, she is alright now - back to her mess-making self :).
It seems as if it has been one thing after another, and it has been. We have all been trading illnesses since the day after we arrived in Missouri. Each time the kids get better, I get sick, and visa versa. I found out today I have a severe sinus infection, strep, and pinkeye. The sinus infection has been going on for a couple of weeks, but I was pushing through, putting my children first. Now that I am not worrying about their health, I'm realizing just how miserable I feel. I could hit the ground and the only reason I haven't, is because I couldn't.
This year is definitely a test of my strength and endurance. I've realized you never know your limits, if you don't push them.
I now know that I can take care of a household, bills, two children, and run a business all while extremely ill, sleep deprived, and worried about my husband.
I have vacuumed the living room five times today, and shampooed different areas of the carpet twice. I have changed approximately 16 diapers and put three new outfits on Kyle. I have put each child in, and removed from the carseat three times, and washed and put away five loads of laundry.
I have learned life saving tricks, like parking next to a cart return stall to make grocery trips easier. I now know how to kill and re-plant a lawn, and how to order wheels and tires for a car.I'm now confident enough to ask questions, put myself out there, and ask for help. Some days, google and wikihow are my absolute best friends.
A year ago, or even six months ago, I would've been stressed and angry for having to do all of this alone, yet suddenly, I have patience. I don't get upset at Hallie for her messes, I fight to suppress a giggle, and make sure that I document what she has done.
The best part, I'm smiling as I type this. Because I am proud of myself, because things could be worse, and because this deployment has already changed my attitude and outlook.
I used to hate it when they announced over the PHS intercom: Make it a great day, or not. The choice is yours. Now, this is the what I wake up and remind myself of every day.
I am so much happier because of this realization, and I strongly believe you make the choice to have a good day or a bad day.
I am constantly seeing everyone complaining, and I'll admit, I do so too. In fact, these are some of my complaints today, and then the result of looking on the 'bright side'.
"It is hot in this house!" - It is 100+ degrees in Afghanistan right now, and that is before the gear.
"My neighbors are so loud!" - I don't hear gunfire and explosions.
"I miss my husband, and a year is so long" - I know he is safe, and even a year is temporary.
"I have no help with the kids" - We have a roof over our heads, food to eat, and I have the means to take care of them, even if it is difficult on my own.
It would be so easy to get caught up in my problems, but by remembering these things, it is just as easy to push through:
Remember to be kind to everyone you meet, because you never know what they could be dealing with. Remember that no matter how tough or impossible a situation seems, it could be worse. Remember how blessed you are, and try to take joy in the small things you normally take for granted. Most importantly, remember that most problems are temporary and try to find the humor, or at the very least, the bright side. You may have to look for it, but I promise it is there.
I will never again take health and free time for granted. After lacking both for weeks, things are finally settling down. I can't wait to continue enjoying life in the coming weeks. As much as I have enjoyed it at rock bottom, it can only go up from here.
hey there neighbor! we just got back and i'm glad i caught up on your blog! is there anything i can do for you? make dinner? soup? anything! just let me know! ill say a prayer for you to feel better asap! and, as always prayin for your hubby and all the soldiers fightin...